
Friday, 8 November 2013

Reflection: Kane


Adobe photoshop CS4 - Sketching
we had to find any picture of the internet that was appropriate and then open it up in photoshop, then we had to do a outline of it.

All about me - Google Drawing
we had to create a google drawing and type in something that we like to do, what sports we play, what type of neighbourhood we live etc.

All about ms anderson - Brainstorm - google drawing
we created a google drawing with a brainstorm of the different cultures that ms anderson has.

Collage Presentation - google presentation
we had to create a presentation about what type of collages there are, we got different kinds of colleges of the internet and had to find what they did to make it look unique

photo booth - photo’s
we had to take a picture of ourselves and open it up in photoshop so we could do a outline of it and colour it to make it look real.

sketching instructions
we had to create a google doc and write down the instructions on what to do with photoshop and photobooth.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kane, well it looks like you have busy, so many works under one post! Keep up the good work! Its probably not the best idea to include your address on your poster all about yourself, might be best if you take that down or edit it.


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