
Monday 23 May 2011

All about the Rib Cage By Kane

WOW!!! it looks cool don't you think,anyway Miss Day let us pick any body part to study,as you can see i picked the rib cage everyone had some cool ones Suli had skeleton Bradley had the heart there were a lot.For our poster we had to get some pictures and facts off the internet for the poster we were doing.When we started some people drew an example on a peace of paper for when they go on a laptop or class computer so they know what they are doing and don't take to long to do it it was fun doing this.

Wednesday 18 May 2011

The awesome quilt By Kane

On this day we got a big peace of card board to make a poster of things about your self your family,about your pets you had your favourite food,favourite sport and activity and favourite game and what your nationallity you are and what your name means.We had to do a border and colour in your poster after you finished colouring it you had to show Miss Day your poster so you can go and dye it but your not allowed to get it on any of your pictures or I think any way it was fun doing this WOOOO!!!!!

Monday 16 May 2011

The 3 Kane's By Kane

When Miss Day took photos of us we got our photos she photo copyed them so we got of them,we got our sketch pencil and we had to colour the back of our picture then we got 2 squre card boards and we put the picture on the front of the card and cliped it on with 2 pegs on each side and then we drew over the picture and where ever we drew over the picture it came up on the peace of card board when we finished that we had to go over it with vivid the that Miss Day approves of after we finished tracing it with vivid we gave it to Miss Day to photo copy it after she did that she gave us our picture then we died it we could do any colours we wanted to everyone made their one colourful after they came out like this.